what is rogaining

What is Rogaining?

What's it all about?

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19 Oct 2024
11:00AM -
Spring, Creek, Trail 6/12hr rogaine
Yanununbeyan NP

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26 Oct 2024
3-6hr Surprise Rogaine (NSW)
24 Nov 2024
6hr Socialgaine (NSW)

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Mid-Winter 4h

4 hour
15th July 2012 10am-2pm

 Course Description

Shake off those winter blues and head for the hills - the Sandhills, that is, the most rogaine-friendly area within an hour of Canberra! This compact area offers a mix of open farmland, lightly timbered spur-and-gully bushland, and 'entry-level' granite knoll-and-saddle terrain.

With virtually no understorey - apart from the occasional patch of easily traversed ferny bracken - the visibility is excellent and the travel fast, and with controls at every scenic viewpoint and in every grassy gully you will be practically tripping over them.

Be warned though, for those who have enjoyed the luxury of the detailed, large-scale orienteering style maps at previous events in this area, this time we are raising the navigational challenge by using the significantly less detailed 1:25,000 topo map.

This event has something for everyone - sprinters, can you clear the course?!?! Beginners, will you head for the highest point on the course and pick off the knolls to the north or hone your compass skills in the flatter but more subtle bushland in the south? Have I given too much away?

Come and find out for yourself at the Winter 4-hour Rogaine on 15th July. And if you need any further incentive, wild deer sightings are guaranteed!

The entry fee for all competitors is just $15 thanks to a grant from the ACT Government. This includes a pre-marked map, a wonderful course and great food at the end of the event.



 Photos, Stories Etc.


 The people who brought this event about

Coordinator Setters/Vetters Admin General Help Catering Control Collection
Susie Sprague Colleen Mock
Glenn Bridgart
Colin Mock
Susie Sprague
Colleen Mock
Jack Palmer
David Moore (first aid)
Ann Pacey
Parissa Poulis
Hartley Lifecare Roger Edwards
Rosemarie Edwards
Helen McAuley
Ian McAuley