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ACTRA  Paddy Pallin 6 hour Rogaine

Course Setter:  Ian Booth
Course Vetter:  Wayne Gregson
Administration: Geoff Mercer
Catering:       1st Aranda Scouts

With assistance from David Singleton, Anne Sutton, John Sutton,
Judy Jenkinson (for the wonderful software and help before the event)
Adrian Sheppard, Glenn Bridgart, and all those I have forgotten.

Weather:          Fine, sunny, warm 25oC
Number of people: 261
Number of teams:  101

Notes: The overall winning team got all but 4 controls.  Only the
top 4 teams got the 100 point bonus for all 4 100point controls.
Results are provisional until control cards are checked, if you believe 
your score is wrong contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ph 02 6268 8734(w))
as soon as possible.

Updated 13.40 4/4/01

All results

  Overall   Category/Age     
  Place  MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS  J  F  Score Time In  Team Names
      1   1                                 2050     555     4 David Baldwin, Adrian Sheppard
      2            1  1                     1850     602    18 Phil Creaser, Anna Booth
      3   2                                 1600     601    49 Paul Mason, Gary Rolfe
      4                     1               1590     602    45 Alex Tyson, Judy Jenkinson
      5   3                                 1460     555    77 Klaus Pinkas, Stephen Smith
      6   4                                 1430     554    26 John Brown, Tim Sawkins
      7            2  2                     1390     539     2 John Harding, Carol Harding
      8   5  1                              1340     539     5 Bob Hawkins, Alan Sargeant
      9            3                        1320     555    34 Natalie Chan, Chris Hatherly
     10                     2               1300     550    27 Sue Brown, Rochelle O'Hagan, Julie Quinn
     11   6                                 1290     552    62 Rod Tracey, Glen Sussman, John Scambary
     12   7                                 1280     544     8 John Spooner, Glenn Bridgart
     13   8                                 1200     552    25 Steven Barry, Damien Demunck
     14            4                        1200     558    85 Kevin Moore, Rebecca Thomson
     15   9                                 1190     547    15 Roderick Smith, William Landers, Matt Blundell
     16  10                                 1180     546    58 Gary Haslam, Thomas Pickard
     17            5                        1180     554    21 Stephen Thompson, Eva Wong
     18            6                        1170     548    83 Simon Tilley, Julia Graczyk
     19            7  3                     1160     546    22 Robin Collins, Andina Faragher
     20  11                                 1110     546    52 Nick Pratt, Gavin McCawley, Benn Salier, John Duffy
     21  12                                 1080     535    30 Justin Hughes, Guy Geeves, Stuart Mcdonald
     22  13                                 1070     445    96 Angus Bottrell, Scott Mackinnon, Michael Coupe, Sam Green
     23                     3  1            1070     540    12 Jenny Hawkins, Valerie Barker
     24  14  2  1                           1060     545    11 Norm Johnston, Bruce Devenish
     25  15  3  2                           1060     552     6 Hugh Saddler, Roger Stuart
     26  16                                 1050     555    28 David Coysh, Liam Styles, Thomas Cook
     27  17  4  3                           1030     553    41 Gordon Quantock, John Foster
     28  18                                 1020     555    87 Keiran O'Leary, Matthew May, Nicolas McGregor
     29            8                        1020     559    86 Leone Jansen, Russell Blamey
     30            9                        1010     521    20 Emma Murray, Duncan McIntyre
     31           10                        1010     547    76 Mark O'Brien, Lyn Schmidt
     32  19                                 1010     600    10 Hal Benson, Jason Finlay
     33  20                                  990     543    98 Andrew Fleming, Bill Kaye, Greg Cork
     34  21                                  990     558    35 Alex Lehmann, Michael Everson, James Navin, Neil Donoghoe
     35  22  5                               970     556    89 Keith Thorne, John Winter
     36  23                                  960     516    74 Scott Finlayson, Andrew Johnstone, David Johnstone
     37  24                             1    950     551    48 Michael Hutchinson, David Hutchinson
     38           11                         940     544    51 Dick Walker, Lisa Phillips
     39           12  4                      930     523     1 Tim Pulford, Lynn Pulford
     40           13                         930     550    50 Sandy Collin, Stephen Mattingley
     41           14                         920     555    32 Penny Lever, James Mcgowan, Heiko Timmers, David Brett
     42  25                                  920     612    82 Ira Cooke, Tristram Alexander
     43  26                                  910     545    17 Chris Butler, Ross Dennis, Cameron Dickenson, Luke Bulkel
     44           15  5                      910     559    84 Michael Sullivan, Jenny Sullivan
     45           16  6                      890     550    67 John Davies, Regina Kimmich 
     46           17                    2    890     551    55 Dane Evans, Brian Evans, Sarah Jenkins
     47           18                         880     527    80 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone
     48           19                         880     555    29 Mark Powell, Russell Brown, Sharon Norris
     49  27  6  4                            870     547    69 David Clark, David Pederson
     50  28                                  860     556    39 Brad Malone, Matthew Ford
     51                     4                850     539    38 Liz Abbott, Niki Campbell
     52           20  7                      850     555    16 Parissa Poulis, Jeffrey Darwin, Colleen Mock, Colin Mock, 
     53           21                         820     556     7 Jodie Snelling, Gerald Mueller
     54           22                         820     557    72 Greg Graham, Ben Newey, Van Lai
     54           22  8                      820     557    66 Norm Schram, Jocelyn Thompson
     56  29                             3    810     544    23 David Fallon, Anthony Fallon
     57           24                         800     544    73 Rebecca Ford, Simon Smalley
     58           25                         790     546    13 Noel Luff, Fiona Luff
     59           26                         790     549    94 Ben Ismay, John Valentine, Rebecca Skaar
     60  30  7  5                            770     425    14 Keith Curry, John Woods
     61           27  9                      770     540    42 Stewart Murray, Tony Edwards, Sue West
     62           28 10                      770     545    36 Maureen Farrell, Pat Miethke, Peter Boyland, Lynne-Deanne
     63           29 11  1                   770     551     9 Jack Palmer, Pam Christensen
     64           30                         770     556    92 Eddie Fardell, Brock Vennel, Vanessa Kingston, Jane Davie
     65  31                                  760     545    95 Josh Davey, Ben Gestier, Dan Hutton, David Fessler
     66  32  8                               740     532   101 Ian Greg, John Harris
     67  33  9                               740     540    68 Greg Baker, Stephen Baker
     68           31                         740     543    91 Daniel Wilkins, Rosie Smith, Karl Adamson
     69           32                         730     554    61 David Turvey, Rebecca Fitzgibbons, Ben Power, Greg Prutej
     70           33                         730     557    60 Duncan O'Brien, Alison Camroux, Duncan Spender
     71           34                         710     547    78 Robert Bradley, Maureen Fitzpatrick
     72           35 12                      700     531    53 Graeme Power, Cherie Power, Marg Watt, Neil Watt, Jacqui M
     73           36                         700     549    44 Leeza Cottingham, Daniel Shiels, Daniel Brownsdon
     74  34                                  690     511    99 Alex Keatinge, Doug Roweth
     75           37                         680     553    33 Linda Ashton, Ingrid Takken, Ruud Van Scheppingen, Bram S
     76           38 13                      660     556    37 Steve Garlick, Rosemary Austen
     77  35                          1       640     556    75 Hugh Prattis, Stephen Hall, Andrew Lad, Peter Edmundson
     78           39                         620     539    31 Jodie Bradby, Sanju Dennapanray, Justin Betlehem, Manuela
     79  36                             4    610     549    54 Robert Jenkins, Christopher Jenkins, Andrew Jenkins, Rhys
     80                     5  2             610     552    43 Jenny Horsfield, Aira Chilcott, Fran Hutchinson
     81           40                         610     556    90 Peter Wenzl, Carolina Roa
     82  37                                  580     338    93 Simon Mara, Nick Townley, Steve Murphy
     83           41                         550     514    64 Geoff Walker, CeeJay Haymen
     83           41                    5    550     514    63 Jim Gaal, Trudy Gaal, Mia Gaal
     85                     6                520     431    56 Ruth Evans, Louise Jenkins
     86           43                    6    480     546    57 Anne Baynes, Chris Gunn, Josie Baynes, Laura Baynes
     87                     7        2       460     557    47 Alexa McNaugh-Reynolds, Sonja Barfoed
     88  38                                  410     515    97 Duncan Thomson, Stu Mooney, Matthew Baker
     89  39                          3       410     557    46 Stephen Stuart, Ryan Turnball
     90  40                                  400     513   100 Tim Cullenword, Charlie Richards
     91           44                         390     528    19 Jane Brennan, Luke Brennan, Max Tong
     92                     8                230     518     3 Linda Meisel, Amelia Witheridge
     93                     9                200     528    79 Dione Smith, Helen Olsen
     94           45 14        UNOFFICIAL   1510     545    88 Hugh Moore, Anne McNeill
                                             DNF       -    71 Colin Hayhoe, Danius Maurogis
                                             DNS       -    81 
                                             DNS       -    70 
                                             DNS       -    65 
                                             DNS       -    59 
                                             DNS       -    40 
                                             DNS       -    24